Social Media SME.


At what are you expert? It’s a question I ask clients looking to fathom and navigate the world of social media. If the answer is “nothing,” social strategy becomes more of a grind. If you (or your brand) are expert in something and it is in great demand, your social media strategy can be quite easy.  That said, if your expertise is in a commodity market, say search engine optimization or low-priced appliances, the difficulty picks up again.

It is the strategist’s your job to find an expertise or sub-expertise that really makes the brand best in class. A friend of mine is a fish wholesaler in NYC. He sells to sports stadiums, cruise lines and top fine dining chefs. His expertise is in getting fresh fish to clients faster than competition at reasonable prices. Inside his head is more information about fish seasonality, migration, weather, shipping and demand than 99% of the people on the planet. Not great cocktail discussion but something of great interest to tops chefs and buyers.

He’s s SME. A Subject Matter Expert. Not a journalist. Not an MBA. Not an oceanographer. When he has something to share about fish quality, futures and price, people listen. Taking that information and creating a social program around it – and finding the right followers – is a business home run. Commercially, it’s a market-changer.

At what are you or your brand expert? That’s where you want to start.
