


I am so disappointed in Newsday’s redesigned website I could yak. It looks like they took the old site, put it into a cocktail shaker, added blue dye and poured it into a smaller glass.


Earlier this year Newsday went on record as saying it was going to charge users for its website content. A bold, smart and edgy move. In order to charge, though, it needed to create a site that offered readers and users real value. Because Newsday is owned by Cablevision, it actually has the resources to put together a paid for service of unparalleled proportion. Instead, it acted like a newspaper. Cablevision sells Long Islander more forms of media and entertainment than I can even list here. With a little cross-silo vision it could have reinvented, creating a revenue stream that would dwarf the paper paper.


Not this year. I guess they’ll wait for Rupert Murdoch to do it first. Or, one of his kids. Peace!